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Sustainable Development Goals

Our Commitment

At Royal Hotels we are hosts to our clients, we seek to exceed their expectations, committing ourselves to our environment and betting on new technologies. We are aware of our responsibility to the future and therefore our vision is to grow gradually and sustainably, studying new business models and diversifying locations is always premium.
We have a firm commitment with the Protection of the Environment, which is reflected in the following commitments:

- Comply with each of the legal requirements and any other environmental protection requirements that apply to us.
- To analyze our environmental impacts in order to establish action plans that allow us to reduce and minimize our environmental impacts in all our activities.
- Establish pollution prevention and control measures.
- Establish environmental objectives that provide us with a continuous improvement of our environmental performance.
- To act in an ethical and sustainable manner with the environment and focus our efforts on the preservation of the environment.

To achieve these commitments requires the involvement of each and every one of the people who make up Royal Hotels, from our staff to suppliers and guests. For that reason, we raise awareness and sensitize on the importance of respect and protection of the environment and encourage the participation of all of them in suggestions to improve our environmental performance.

Thanks to the implementation of our Environmental Management System, ISO 14001:2015, we carry out follow-up audits that allow us to establish action plans and specific objectives for the continuous improvement of our environmental system.